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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Biggest Loser Workout: Ah Man, this is so late!

I said I'd post this today, but life got in the way.  It was a beautiful day, the first in awhile, and my daughters got invited to a friends house.  And then we had to go pick up preschool registration papers for my oldest, and I swear she was barely walking just yesterday, she's grown so fast.  So, this workout isn't all that useful this week, unless you DVR, but it is a general workout, so it will be useful at some point.

Clearly this is one of those workouts that I should have posted awhile ago, it totally makes sense that you would workout during the Biggest Loser. However, I have a Biggest Loser confession: I can't help but snack while watching Biggest Loser.  I don't know why, but I just can't help myself.  I should be working out, but I'm usually just stuffing my face!  It is kind of weird...I'm kind of weird.

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